Thursday, February 11, 2010

28 Days 28 Cupcakes

Hello! My name is Angela... welcome to my blog, CUPIECAKE (cup-E-cake) ;P I am an artistic entrepreneur who is about to take a journey of exploring the possibilities of opening up a cupcake shop in west Atlanta. Already I have been doing a lot of research and saving up some funds to get it off the ground. I'm excited, nervous and blessed all at the same time. I have a great husband, Phil, who supports me 110% and is willing to walk through this journey with me... my ultimate goal would to be able to be so successful that he can quit his chaotic job and work with me... not that I don't think the cupcakery business won't be chaotic, but if we're together, it's just more fun.

As it stands now, I've begun working on my business plan and researching out a lot of suppliers, costs, etc. I've also been testing various cupcake recipes. That's the fun part! To me, a delicious cupcake has to meet the following standards:

* Moist Cake... if you have to run for water before you can even taste the cake, it's no good!

* Flavor... each bite should offer a nice "flavor burst" of whatever flavor it is. I love to mix textures with my cupcakes through the use of fillings and various buttercreams/toppings.

* Design... Cupcakes should be pretty... or cute.... or blissfully romantic. I'm also all about the occasional cocktail cupcake! Yum!

So to speed up my testing process and to make sure I have a solid "menu" by the end of February, I'm going to be baking 28 different cupcakes in 28 days. As I experiment with various flavors and decorating styles, I hope you'll bookmark my blog and check back everyday to see how I'm making out. By the way, anyone in the west Atlanta area wanting cupcakes... I'm sure I'll have a few to giveaway this month! ;P

Also in the next two weeks my goal is to finish up my business plan. I worked on it hard one day and got a good bite taken out of it, but I definitely have to start making a timeline for me to have things completed by. So by Feb 13th, I should be finished and on the 14th, I can LOVE not having to think about it anymore.

So now, I'm off to decide what will be Cupcake #1 in my 28 Days of 28 Cupcakes.... See you tomorrow! ;)


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