Thursday, February 11, 2010

Faith will see me through....

Starting a new business can be a fun and challenging adventure. You definitely have to have an entrepreneurial spirit because you do A LOT of work without getting paid. I've been doing a lot of research to see how other bakeries started out. I want to know the costs, how additional capital was gained, business plan hints, time lines, and a daily production schedule- basically, I want to know it all! Since I haven't been able to find all that information yet, that's why I've started this blog now, so that I can chart my progress throughout this journey and hopefully encourage others along the way. I'd be leaving out a huge chunk of my "how to" if I failed to mention that I am a devout Christian. No doubt, I believe that Jesus died on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for my sins and through His death I am saved from going to hell. Now, what's that gotta do with cupcakes? For me, A LOT! I have a "spiritual business plan" and it's super simple: PRAY AND OBEY. Every morning I have my prayer time--- kinda like talking to the boss, LOL! By the end of my prayer time I usually know what it is I'm supposed to do for the day. To me it's a very essential part of my day and my business.

Last night *my plan* was to go to the Wednesday night teaching service at my church, then come home and bake my next set of test cakes. The Lord's plan however was a bit different... I really felt the need to come home and further study and pray... which proved to be very encouraging and spiritually uplifting.

In my life, God comes first. I believe His word and it says that he loves me and only wants the best for me. If having a cupcakery is His will for my life, then it's only fitting that He is here with me guiding every step I take. While I take this journey I have found this song to be uplifting:

Today's cupcake experiment was the Strawberry Cupcake! Overall, it's a DELICIOUS cupcake.... it's downfall is that it doesn't have that lovely "dome" top that my other cupcakes have. In the future, I may test this same recipe, but add a bit of baking soda to the mix and see if it helps with that issue. Another "flat" in this cupcake is the frosting... but MAN, it is super good. I've gotta find a way to be able to increase the consistancy without more powdered sugar... I could probably get away with adding more butter to the mix, so I'll probably try that next too... But here's how they look:

and they look cute dressed in sprinkles:

Taste wise, these are right on the money, but they lack my "pretty factor" so I'm still going to work on them. I'm also thinking that maybe once I get the icing to piping consistency, I can drizzle chocolate on them and add a fresh berry on top? But for now, I'm content with licking the beater because this icing is seriously..... delish!


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