Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day #2 Oreo Cookie Cupcakes

Ok, so there's nothing as good as an Oreo, right? It's a taste combination that EVERYONE knows! My goal today is to turn this cookie into one amazing cupcake. I know, I'm super excited about this one! On the net there seems to be many, many, MANY versions of an Oreo cupcake... some are chocolate cakes, some are vanilla cakes, some have cookies on the bottom, some have cookies in the middle. I was really surprised that not many cupcakes actually had the cookies throughout the cake, but rather just throughout the icing. So again, I'm going to venture out into my own territory, and "make it up as I go along". One thing I want is a rich chocolate cake.... after all, it's only the hint of vanilla frosting you taste when you bite into the cookie. I also want the cookie throughout the cake, but in the same time, I don't want a "crunchy" cake, so I'm sure I'm going to be doing some serious crushing when it comes to those Oreo's! I have one secret up my sleeve, that I'm thinking will take this cupcake over the top.... so, it's off to the kitchen I go!

Attempt #1: The chocolate fudge cake recipe that I used came out dry, in my opinion. (I had to take a quick drink to wash it down!) There were mixed reviews about this recipe from other bakers, and it was a bit on the complicated side, so I'm scratching this--- not what I was looking for. Next, I was certain I wanted crumbs in the cupcake, not "chunks".... now I'm thinking "chunks" might not be a bad idea, as long as they aren't huge.

I haven't given up on it, so here goes attempt #2....

Well, it went a lot better this time... thank goodness. Experimenting in the kitchen can be lots of fun, but it can be a lot of work when your doing things for the first time. The batter came out really nice and thick:

I went with the chunk size pieces of Oreo, and the great thing about it is that the Oreo sort of bakes into the cupcake, so it's not "crunchy" when you eat it, but when you get a piece, you can taste the flavor combo even more. I love that!

My secret? I decided to fill these cupcakes with Oreo Frosting inside too. It was the plain vanilla (like in the cookie) so it had a contrast from the frosted top. I didn't put too much in, just enough to give someone that "lick" of frosting. :)

Overall, it tasted like biting into an Oreo! It wasn't dry but I did enjoy my cupcake with a big glass of milk! :)


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